
health conditions

Cervical spinal stenosis


“Stenosis” means narrowing. Cervical stenosis usually refers to a narrowing of the spinal canal, which is a heart-shaped hollow space in the center of the vertebral ring shown in the drawing from the 19th century Gray's Anatomy textbook (see: Gray, Henry; Carter, Henry Vandyke (1858), Anatomy Descriptive and Surgical, London: John W. Parker and Son). [...]

Cervical spinal stenosis2020-06-30T10:19:36-04:00

Tailbone Pain – Coccygodynia


The term coccygodynia describes a painful sensation in the area of the tailbone (coccyx). This is a condition, which is relatively uncommon in men in the absence of trauma. The condition is more common in women, possibly due to the greater prominence of the coccyx in women. The term “coccygodynia” describes only a symptom (i.e. [...]

Tailbone Pain – Coccygodynia2020-06-30T10:24:29-04:00

Meditation, prayer, mindfulness, and health


Just as regular exercise strengthens your bones, muscles, and tendons, a little personal quiet time each day (whether it is spent in prayer, meditation, or mindfulness) can strengthen the sharpness and endurance of your mind (brain) and elevate your mood. Give your mind time Try to set aside 15-30 minutes each day [...]

Meditation, prayer, mindfulness, and health2020-06-21T14:26:44-04:00
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